Bierzwnik : 5th International Cloister Goods Fair


Our Association, as usual, co-organised the festive and also the 5th International Cloister Goods Fair. The latter was meant particularly to emphasise Cistercian tradition, represented by still existing abbey in Wąchock (świętokrzyskie province) and their Retreat House in Winniki in Pomorze Zachodnie (Western Pomerania). On the other hand, German associations affiliated with post-Cistercian sites in Chorin and Altfriedland displayed presentations concerning cultural landscape issues. Wide range of cloister goods was provided by nuns from the Orthodox St. Elisabeth Convent in Minsk, Belarus. Cloister inspirations in contemporary craftsmanship were discussed by representatives of associations affiliated with German monasteries: post- Dominican in Prenzlau and post-Franciscan in Angermünde.


Bierzwnik : the West Pomeranian loop of the Cistercian Route in Poland

A very important initiative of our Association, put into action at the beginning of September, was to collect and work out the West Pomeranian loop of the Cistercian Route in Poland. According to the study of archives, literature and field survey, Barbara Stolpiak and Teresa Świercz described over 70 structures, mainly of sacred architecture, which were built in medieval times either by the Cistercians or under their inspiration and protection. In July and August, the Authors visited the sites to take pictures of them, and at the beginning of September with the financial support of the local Authorities these materials were published as a map (photo). We hope that, based on collected data, there will be set new tourist and educational routes and paths.


X Encontro Cultural de São Cristóvão de Lafões


Tenth Culture Meeting of the Friends of São Cristóvão de Lafões Monastery. From May 16 to 17 the 10th Meeting of this Association will take place at the Monastery. As in earlier editions, the meeting aims at the presentation of new data on monastic life and interrelationship with society, as well as at the peer review of academic work conducted on a variety of matters, giving special attention to the Cistercian heritage. This year the general theme is “ Towards History and Heritage of Monasteries” and includes a visit and guided tour to the also Cistercian Monastery of Santa Maria de Maceira Dão, which could be recovered from its very dilapidated state.

Oia : Monastery of Oia celebrates its mention as National Monument

Oia Abbey on Youtube

The days 13th, 14th and 15th june, the Association of Friends of the Monastery of OIA (ACAMO), in collaboration with the Property, will organize several guided tours through the cloister, the old refectory and the monastic gardens, explaining historical and architectural details of the monument. In addition, the concert “Sounds of the Monastery” will be celebrated in the church, with the chorus “Falan os sons, soan as palabras” that perform for the first time the piece “Oia”. It is very important to stand out that these activities are intended to cover the costs of maintaining the church. (more…)

Maulbronn : Kräuter- und Erntemarkt im Klosterhof am 13. und 14. September 2014

Maulbronn Krauterrkt - Foto: Volker Henkel

Der September läutet den Herbst ein – die Zeit nach der Ernte, in der früher für die Wintervorräte gesorgt wurde: eine arbeitsintensive und zugleich gesellige Zeit mit vielen Festen. Besucher sind eingeladen, sich nach alter Tradition mit den Früchten und Schätzen der Gärten, Weinberge und Felder, besonders aus der klösterlichen Kulturlandschaft rund um das UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe Kloster Maulbronn, zu bevorraten. Kürbisse, Kraut und Rüben, Obst, Honig, frisch gepresstes Öl, edle Brände, Konfitüren, Pesto, Sirup und vieles mehr werden an Ständen im Klosterhof verkauft. Außerdem im Angebot des Marktes: Naturkleidung und Schuhe, Schmuck aus Naturmaterialien, Wollprodukte, Seifen und Besen. Mit zahlreichen Kinderaktionen ist beim Kräuter- und Erntemarkt auch für die Kleineren gesorgt. Beim Basteln mit Kräutern können die Kinder bunte und wohlriechende Kräuterkränze und dekorative Heukatzen herstellen. An beiden Markttagen finden laufend Führungen im Kloster statt. Informationen dazu erteilt das Infozentrum im Klosterhof (Telefon 00 49 70 43 92 66 10 oder

Bierzwnik : planting a three-year-old oak tree


The Association of Post-Cistercian Heritage Protection in Bierzwnik is involved into organisation of the annual festival „3 days on the Cistercian Route” as well as in the 5th International Cloister Goods Fair – the events to take place on 25th-27th July 2014. Everybody is welcome! Meanwhile, on 25th June, the Association is participating a celebration of planting a three-year-old oak tree which has been grown from an acorn of the three-hundred-year-old oak “Cysters” (Cistercian) from the park surrounding a former abbey in Rudy in Slask (Silesia). It has been an initiative of the Association of Cistercian Communes in Poland, the organisation established by several communes, including the one in Bierzwnik. The oaks, planted on the same day, at the same time, in all associated communes, are supposed to remind future generations of cultural heritage – its meaning and a need of its protection. Barbara Stolpiak, Teresa Swiercz; The Association of Post-Cistercian Heritage Protection in Bierzwnik ; e-mail:

Bierzwnik’s Jubilee – 720 years on the Cistercian Route


In June 1294 a convent of Cistercian monks from the abbey in Kolbacz in Pomorze Zachodnie (Western Pomerania) arrived to their new location, which they called Silva Sancte Marie, in German Marienwalde, nowadays Bierzwnik. Their presence in this location lasted for only 245 years, while their influence on the area has continued for over seven centuries. Cistercian legacy has become a significant part of cultural heritage, and placed Bierzwnik within the European Cistercian Route. We are glad to announce that in this jubilee year Poczta Polska (Polish postal service) issued a postcard picturing the abbey in Bierzwnik (Fig. 1), as a part of their series ”The Cistercian Route in Poland”. Barbara Stolpiak, Teresa Swiercz; The Association of Post-Cistercian Heritage Protection in Bierzwnik ; e-mail:

Monasterio de Piedra Hôtel-Monumento & Spa rouvre ses portes avec de grandes nouveautés


L’Hotel Monasterio de Piedra a ouvert son activité. La trêve hivernale a été mise à profit pour réaliser des travaux d’aménagement et d’amélioration dans les chambres de l’hôtel, avec pour objectif d’améliorer le degré de confort et la satisfaction de nos clients. (more…)

Stürzelbronn : la légende du Glockenfels


Une nouvelle vidéo a été ajoutée sur TV Cristal, que nous vous invitons à découvrir sur, ainsi que la la légende du Glockenfels (le rocher des cloches) :

Book launch: A Memória de um Mosteiro. Santa Maria de Arouca (Séculos XVII-XX). Das Construções e das Reconstruções.


It was released a deep and singular study about the feminine Monastery of Santa Maria de Arouca (Portugal). Arouca’s nuns descended from noble families. The analysis of the sociocultural status of that religious, the monastic everyday and Queen Mafalda leadership since she takes the monastery to adopt the Cistercian ideal (1226), serve to justify the high architectural quality of the building (XVII-XVIII centuries) and its entire stuffing, present in the church and monastic choir and at the Museum of Sacred Art. (more…)