The 4Seasons Festival at the Zdar Estate

Can a historical monument become a living space for residents and visitors ? Each festival has its own character, its “world” and diversity, and a program that addresses not only the residents of Zdar and its surroundings : they wish everybody to be welcome. The Zdar Estate and the new museum are immersed in the present time, thanks to the artistic concept and all year round events. The New Generation Museum plunges the visitor into the genius loci of this unique castleand monastary. Visitors perceive and understand it through feelings, emotions and sensations. Visitors will not only interact with exhibits and modern technology, but more especially with the people and live art. That is why the museum interconnects with a classical presentation of history, with creativity and the arts. Our goal is to make the guest himself a creative, imaginative and directly involved factor in the project. The Four Seasons Festival follow the rhythm of life at the estate: Spring – Open Garden Days; Summer – Monastic night; Fall –Hallowing-(pumpkin time): lighting up the castle grounds;Winter – Christmas markets.

St. Marienthal in der Tradition von Morimond

In diesem Jahr wird nicht nur der Gründung von Clairvaux vor 900 gedacht, sondern ebenso der von Morimond, in deren Gründungslinie St. Marienthal steht. Bereits in der St. Marienthaler Schenkungsurkunde der böhmischen Königin Kunigunde von 1234 steht in der Zeugenliste ein Angehöriger des Klosters Altzella: Stephanus monachus Cellae sanctae Mariae. Nach einer Urkunde von 1235 im Dresdner Staatsarchiv ist St. Marienthal 1235 durch Papst Gregor IX. (1167-1241) der Aufsicht des Abtes von Altzelle unterstellt worden. (more…)

Zdar : New museum was opened August 1st

Zdar museum

The Kinsky family contacted other local owners (The Catholic Church, owner of the Abbey Basilica and the Zelena Hora Chapel, amongst others) and authorities to interest and involve them in a joint project for the reconstruction and revitalization of the entire complex. (more…)

Huerta : Nuevo Diseño de la página Web


Después de muchos meses de trabajo, diseño y dedicación lanzamos a la red el nuevo diseño de nuestra página web, con un estilo más fresco, comunitario, artístico y juvenil. La web también cuenta con la Tienda Online donde vendemos los productos que elaboramos en nuestro trabajo monástico manual: Mermeladas y Dulce de Membrillo, además de otros productos que elaboran comunidades cistercienses de España. También pueden encontrarse los Capítulos del Abad sobre la Regla de San Benito y sus reflexiones “Desde el Monasterio” que suele publicar en el boletín de la Fraternidad de Laicos de Huerta. Para ver más información sobre esta noticia visite nuestra web

15th Cistercian fair In Pelplin

18-20 September 2015. Ancient Pelplin Friends Association is pleased to invite for the 14th Cistercian Fair, held on 18-20 September 2015 in the area of the former Cistercian Abbey in Pelplin (the Fair takes place each year at the third weekend of September). The Cistercian Fair helps to recognize and appreciate the culture and tradition of Cistercian Order by the historical re-enactment, knight tournaments, “Cistercian Scriptorium” workshops, various exhibitions and Ancient Music Festival held in Pelplin Cathedral. (more…)

Morimondo : Conferenza su conche milanesi e navigli

Le conche milanesi e il primato del Naviglio da Abbiategrasso e Bereguardo”, è il tema della conferenza che Mario Comincini, storico e conoscitore del territorio, terrà giovedì 17 settembre alle ore 18 all’Istituto geriatrico Golgi di Abbiategrasso. L’appuntamento, inserito nelle manifestazioni culturali “Il tesoro dei poveri” e collegato al tema di Expo Milano 2015 “Nutrire il pianeta – energia per la vita”, è promosso dall’Azienda di Servizi alla Persona Golgi-Redaelli di Milano e vede la collaborazione di numerosi enti, tra cui la Fondazione Abbatia Sancte Marie de Morimundo. (more…)

Morimondo : Laboratori didattici di miniatura e di erboristeria

Tra le attività culturali proposte dal Museo dell’Abbazia di Morimondo ampio spazio viene riservato da anni a sempre nuove proposte didattiche, che coinvolgono un buon numero di scolaresche e adulti. In particolare anche nella seconda metà del 2015 sono in programma laboratori teorici e pratici dedicati alla miniatura e all’erboristeria. La scelta dello studio del codice miniato è motivata dalla storia stessa dell’abbazia di Morimondo, la quale per tutto il periodo medievale si è distinta per il proprio scriptorium e per l’elevata qualità dei codici prodotti. (more…)

Morimondo : Visite serali al monastero 2015

Per tutto il periodo estivo la Fondazione Abbatia Sancte Marie de Morimundo e il Museo dell’Abbazia di Morimondo offrono la possibilità anche quest’anno – visto il successo della passata edizione – di visitare il complesso abbaziale nell’inconsueto orario serale, accompagnati da spiegazioni storiche e artistiche: sarà un’occasione da non perdere per ammirare questo suggestivo luogo nel silenzio e nel fascino della luce crepuscolare. (more…)

Marienthal : Kleinerer Abstand zwischen Presbyterium und Gemeinde

Die seit der Zeit nach dem Konzil gehegten Wünsche der Schwestern konnten dank der notwendig gewordenen grundlegenden Restaurierung ihrer Kirche professionell geplant und endlich umgesetzt werden. Da die Schwestern beim Gottesdienst mit der Gemeinde enger zusammenrücken wollten, verzichteten sie auf die Chorschranken, ließen die Presbyteriumsfläche in Richtung Gemeinde nach Westen hin erweitern, das Chorgestühl weiter vorrücken und die Gemeindebänke unter dem Nonnenchor um einige Meter in den Kirchenraum hinein versetzen. (more…)

Ten Duinen : Dead Men Talking, Call for poster sessions proposals

Are you involved in an interesting project or in an area of work that you would like to discuss with or show to other congress attendees? Why not present your work in one of the two poster sessions at the ‘Dead Men Talking’ congress of the Abbey museum of the Dunes? This is an ideal opportunity to present your work in an international conference and to get acquainted with the most recent developments in the research on medieval burial contexts and excavated individuals. (more…)