C’est avec une très grande tristesse que nous venons d’apprendre le décès de François Aynard. Membre de notre conseil d’administration depuis la création de notre association, il était très apprécié de nous tous et a toujours soutenu vigoureusement l’action de la Charte. Quant à son implication dans Fontenay, elle fut en tous points, remarquable. (more…)
New public-oriented Charter Website
The investigation at the beginning of this year on Internet uses by members, allowed the Technology and Communications Working Group (NTIC) to review the role of the Internet portal cister.net analysed by numbers of members. The redesign of the Charter website was announced at the last AGM at Valmagne Abbey in April. This website has now been launched. (more…)
Course for Organizers and Guides round Abbeys
Already a great success in terms of participants for the Course which is taking place at Aiguebelle Abbey from 12th to 16th November: 50 participants representing 22 abbeys. The quality of speakers is not in doubt. Bookings are now closed. A successful time for all participants.