Portugal @en
Arouca : Arnaldo de Pinho, a reference to the current culture
Published on 15 March 2013
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Promoted by the Real Irmandade da Rainha Santa Mafalda of Arouca, and held on October 14th, a public tribute to Prof. Dr.Arnaldo Pinho, Chairman of that institution since 1988. Besides Chairman of this centennial Institution, Dr. Arnold , who has … Continue reading →
Arouca : organ concert, polyphony and art
Published on 14 March 2013
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This Concert was held on Sunday January 6th, the Epiphany, in the Nun´s Choir of the Monastery of Arouca, by it´s organist , Nicolas Roger, who interpreted music from the XVII and XVIII century , on the Iberian Organ of … Continue reading →
São Cristóvão de Lafões : la crise et l’innovation chez les cisterciens
Published on 13 March 2013
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Le 9e Symposium aura lieu à l’Abbaye de S. Cristóvão de Lafões, les 9-10 mai, 2013 et sera consacré aux crises et à l’innovation chez les cisterciens du Moyen Âge. Comme d’ habitude, une demi-douzaine de spécialistes présentera des aspects … Continue reading →
Arouca : sculpture exhibition
Published on 12 March 2013
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Organised by the Real Irmandade da Rainha Santa Mafalda – open to the public from December 7 to January13, inthe Chapter House of the Monastery of Arouca, a sculpture exhibition, composed of 15 sculptured works in bronze, clay terracotta, wood … Continue reading →
São Cristóvão de Lafões : travaux de restauration
Published on 12 March 2013
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Les toits ont été totalement refaits, l’isolement a été renforcé et un nouveau chauffage central installé, en substituant la chaudière à gazole par une à pellets, plus économique et écologique. Pour signaler l’inauguration, on offre aux hôtes un magusto, l’événement … Continue reading →
Alcobaça : European Heritage Days
Published on 25 October 2012
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The European Heritage Days is an annual initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Union, involving about 50 countries, which aims at raising awareness of the importance of safeguarding the heritage. Under the theme « The Future of … Continue reading →
Alcobaça : European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations
Published on 24 October 2012
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The European Commission has designated 2012 as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations (EY 2012). Under the new conference cycle « Saturdays in the Sacristy », an initiative of the Monastery of Alcobaça with the support … Continue reading →