Celebrating 30 years of the Monastery of Alcobaça as a World Heritage Site, the Ministry of Culture/ Directorate General of Cultural Heritage and the Monastery of Alcobaça began the intervention of conservation and restoration of the tomb of King Pedro I (1320-1367), which, together with the tomb of Inês de Castro, the two most famous lovers of the portuguese culture, constitute masterpieces of the 14th century European gothic funerary sculpture and one of the main attractions of this monument, masterpiece of the cistercian art and architecture. The inclusion of these two tombs in the application presented to UNESCO, was fundamental to the decision of the World Heritage Committee to inscribe the Monastery of Alcobaça in the World Heritage List in 1989. The intervention takes place in the church, where the tombs are, in a “open to the public” regime (ending july 2020), so that all visitors can watch the work in progress, and represents an investment of more than twenty thousand euros in conservation works.