Monthly Archives: November 2015

Summer Course on the University of Burgos Monastery Rioseco

From 20 to July 22, 2015 were held in Villarcayo (Burgos) the monastery of Rioseco Days as part of the Summer Courses organized by the University of Burgos. These first days were intended to study “The monastery over time.” The titles of communications were, in order of appearance: “genuine monasticism Monasticism and cultural Castilla. VIII-XIII centuries, “de Godoy to Madoz, to Mendizabal. The process desamortizador in Spain “,” San Pedro de Arges: idiosyncrasy and the world that precedes Santa Maria de Rioseco “The Cistercian architecture in three days”, “The Monastery de Rioseco: artistic historical development”, “Advancement director of the monastery of Rioseco plan “and” World of all assets for everyone. ” Communications were developed in the morning, leaving the afternoon for guided tours of the Valley of Manzanedo churches and the monastery of Santa Maria de Rioseco visits. They ended the conference with a panel discussion in which he spoke of the “importance of volunteerism in the recovery of the monastery of Rioseco. The idea is to continue a two-year course on these Rioseco monastery thus leaving the years that are not held for the publication of the Proceedings of the Conference, which will record the subjects studied.