Monthly Archives: October 2014

Bierzwnik : 5th International Cloister Goods Fair


Our Association, as usual, co-organised the festive and also the 5th International Cloister Goods Fair. The latter was meant particularly to emphasise Cistercian tradition, represented by still existing abbey in Wąchock (świętokrzyskie province) and their Retreat House in Winniki in Pomorze Zachodnie (Western Pomerania). On the other hand, German associations affiliated with post-Cistercian sites in Chorin and Altfriedland displayed presentations concerning cultural landscape issues. Wide range of cloister goods was provided by nuns from the Orthodox St. Elisabeth Convent in Minsk, Belarus. Cloister inspirations in contemporary craftsmanship were discussed by representatives of associations affiliated with German monasteries: post- Dominican in Prenzlau and post-Franciscan in Angermünde.


Bierzwnik : the West Pomeranian loop of the Cistercian Route in Poland

A very important initiative of our Association, put into action at the beginning of September, was to collect and work out the West Pomeranian loop of the Cistercian Route in Poland. According to the study of archives, literature and field survey, Barbara Stolpiak and Teresa Świercz described over 70 structures, mainly of sacred architecture, which were built in medieval times either by the Cistercians or under their inspiration and protection. In July and August, the Authors visited the sites to take pictures of them, and at the beginning of September with the financial support of the local Authorities these materials were published as a map (photo). We hope that, based on collected data, there will be set new tourist and educational routes and paths.


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