Becoming a Member

If you would like to become a Member of the Charter, please send an e-mail to

Your application will be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the Charter (3 meetings a year). When approved, a request to pay the Annual Membership Subscription will be sent to you by post.

The amount of the Annual Subscription is set by the AGM, and depends on the number of visitors you get. It is currently (set at the AGM at Morimondo on 5 October 2019):

– Under 5,000 visitors/year: 66 €
– Between 5,000 and 10,000 visitors/year : 99 €
– Between 10,000 and 50,000 visitors/year: 132 €
– Over 50,000 visitors/year: 198 €

In the first year of your membership, will be added the costs of a Charter Identity plaque for affixing to the entrance to your abbey or site: 75 € (including postage and packing).
Sites who are already members, who would like a second or replacement plaque, can buy one at a cost of 130 € (including postage and packing).
The plaque will be sent when your payment is received.

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