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Abbeys > France > Champagne-Ardenne > Longchamp-sur-Aujon > Outre-Aube


Outre-Aube - Abbaye In his Reasoned Dictionary of Architecture, the historian Viollet Le Duc, who is a specialist of the Middle-Age architecture, explained that the Outre-Aube Barn is the most typical example of Cistercian farms in the world. Built on century XII, near Clairvaux Abbey, this farm kept its original plan. The mean building dates from century XVII. This beautiful piece of architecture may be visited. Today, Outre-Aube Barn belongs to an association of cistercian laymen La Grange Saint Bernard de Clairvaux. Every year: exhibitions, visits, lectures, training courses about Bernard de Clairvaux and the cistercian thought.

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