Monthly Archives: November 2015

La Valldigna en la Asociación de Abadías y Sitios cistercienses

El Real Monasterio de Santa María de la Valldigna pertenece, desde el pasado mes de junio, a la Asociación de Abadías y Sitios cistercienses. Este monasterio, sito en la localidad valenciana de Simat de la Valldigna, es uno de los referentes más significativos de la arquitectura del Císter en el mediterráneo. Su construcción data de 1298 durante el reinado de Jaume II el Just. En la actualidad podemos ver, a través de su arquitectura, tres etapas constructivas. La primera es gótica del siglo XIV. En 1396, se produce una renovación tras las destrucciones producidas por el terremoto y, finalmente, una segunda renovación tras un nuevo terremoto del 1644, con sustituciones completas y nuevas dependencias, ya de etapa barroca, de los siglos XVII y XVIII. En el año 1835 con la desamortización, tiene lugar la exclaustración y la destrucción del cenobio: sus edificios son parcialmente derribados, la piedra se vende, etc. iniciándose una etapa de degradación del cenobio. En 1970 es declarado bien de interés cultural y en 1991 la Generalitat Valenciana adquiere el monasterio llevando adelante su restauración desde entonces.
Facebook: GVA.Monasterio.Santa.Maria.Valldigna
Twitter: @MValldigna

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (Troyes, 19 June 2015)

Sites  present:  Germany: Anrode, Heisterbach, Maulbronn, Bronnbach, Neukloster, Pforta;  Belgium:  Aulne, Clairefontaine, Clairefontaine Cordenoy, Grandpré, Herkenrode, Villers,  Italy:  Chiaravalle della Colomba,  Sweden  Skokloster, Vreta;  Spain:  Oia, Piedra;  Portugal:  Alcobaça São Cristóvão de Lafões,  France:  Aumône or Petit Cîteaux, Beauvais (barn), Bouchet, Breuil-Benoît (Le), Cherlieu, Cîteaux, Clairmont, Collège des Bernardins, Crête (La), Etoile (L’), Fontaine-Guérard, Fontaine-Jean, Noirlac, Pontigny, Prée (La), Preuilly, Royaumont, Signy, Val (Le), Valmagne, Vaucelles, Vauluisant

Sites represented: Germany : Altenberg, Altzella, Arnsburg, Bebenhausen, Bredelar, Buch, Ebrach, Eberbach, Hardehausen, Herrenalb, Kamp, Marienstatt, Marienthal, Salem, Schöntall St Marienthal ; Belgium : La Paix-Dieu ; Sweden: Askeby ; France : Aulps, Barbery, Bonnefont, Bonport, Escaladieu, Koad Malouen, Langonnet, Relecq (Le), Timadeuc


The Chairman particularly welcomed:

– The heads of political, historical and archaeological organisations, and cultural and tourist units of the Aube department.

– Dom Vladimir Gaudrat, Father Abbot of Lérins, invited as the Chairman of ARCCIS (Association for Promoting Cistercian Culture) ;

– New Charter members,

– Members of the Clairvaux Revival Association who, working with Jean François Leroux, had magnificently organised this AGM;

– Speakers following the formal part of the AGM, notably Dom Vladimir Gaudrat, Father Abbot of Lérins, Régis Martin owner of Breuil Benoit Abbey, and one of the key architects of Historical Monuments, Bernard Peugniez friend of Vaucelles Abbey and author of the guide to Cistercian Europe, Mme Ana Pagarà, recently nominated as director General of Alcobaça Abbey and Jean-François Leroux, our honorary President.

He thanked them all for having contributed to the success of this AGM, and for all those who formed the core of the members, and who were again present: Maulbronn, Heisterbach, Preuilly, Clairefontaine, Fontfroide Valmagne, etc.

About seventy abbeys were present or represented.  The Chairman stressed the importance to the Charter of the diversity of operating models.  These included:

– Diversity of Owners (national, publicly owned, local regional, lay and religious organisations and private owners),

– Diversity of Languages and Countries,

– Diversity of Focus of Interest (historical, tourist, religious architecture and others).

All this gave an extraordinary uniqueness and richness.   Being united within the same association and sharing experiences (in terms of animation, management, communication, and others) enabled each one to feel involved and be custodian of a vast European network of Cistercian tangible and intangible heritage.

Who could have imagined 25 years ago that such an event – a national commemoration – on such a subject as the ninth centenary of the founding of the Abbey of Clairvaux – could take place in France, which was often focused on the concept of secularism?

From a French viewpoint, the last 25 years had not been deficient in this area.  One thought of the Cistercian exhibition in 1990 in the Conciergerie in Paris, and the Fontfroide symposium in 1992, which provided an outstanding opportunity for a meeting between historians, religious, owners and abbey organisers.

One thought also of Cîteaux ‘98 which, in addition to tourism, brought together the efforts of an entire region, Burgundy, for a few months to focus on the importance of Cistercians in its history.

Today “Clairvaux 2015” with meetings, seminars, exhibitions, tours offered and other events, went far beyond anything so far encountered.

The Chairman believed that the “Clairvaux 2015” project, which was initiated by the joint actions of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Justice and the General Council of Aube Department deserved our approbation and even more so that these institutions had been able to cooperate with all relevant people involved (including religious, scientists, historians, owners and organisers of abbeys and Cistercian sites).  By placing it in a European perspective, it offered in each country a different context and a different story, and if it was one of the objectives of the Charter to understand and share, we appreciate that we are still very far from the idea of a European focus.  What was certain was that the Charter of which we were members, tirelessly continued to work to ensure that the heritage of which we were custodians was a living heritage and respected throughout Europe. (more…)

Maulbronn : Kurzer Überblick über die nächsten Veranstaltungen

Im UNESCO-Denkmal Kloster Maulbronn findet am 20. Februar (von 10.00 bis 18.00 Uhr) und 21. Februar 2016 (von 11.00 bis 17.00 Uhr) der traditionelle Ostereiermarkt im großen Fruchtkasten statt. Rund 60 deutsche und internationale Aussteller werden über 5.000 kunstvoll gestaltete Eier in allen Farben und Größen, Osterdekoration, Gebäck und vieles mehr präsentieren. Mehr Informationen unter: Das Kloster Maulbronn ist an Ostern ein echt kulturelles Frühlingserlebnis. Vom 26. bis 28. März 2016 findet dort der hochwertige und lebendige Kunsthandwerkermarkt statt. Professionelle Künstlerinnen und Künstler bieten ihre selbst gefertigten Produkte zum Verkauf an, seien es Schmuck, Skulpturen aus Stahl, geflochtene Körbe, Kleidung oder Bürsten aller Art. Kulinarische Köstlichkeiten von Käsespätzlen über Flammkuchen bis zum selbst gebackenen Kuchen runden das Angebot ab. Das Informationszentrum des Klosters ist täglich geöffnet, es werden auch Klosterführungen angeboten. Mehr Informationen unter:


Arouca : Inauguração da Biblioteca Memorial D. Domingos de Pinho Brandão e Homenagem

No passado dia 8 de agosto, foi inaugurada, no Mosteiro de Arouca, a Biblioteca Memorial D. Domingos de Pinho Brandão. D. Domingos de Pinho Brandão (1920 – 1988), natural da freguesia de Rossas (Arouca), destacou-se como notável figura da Igreja e da cultura portuguesa. Foi bispo auxiliar de Leiria e do Porto, professor universitário e investigador plurifacetado, abordando áreas como a história da arte, arqueologia, epigrafia, etnografia, numismática, museologia, etc. Para a posteridade ficaram inúmeros trabalhos científicos e vários projetos museológicos, criados de raiz. Foi, ainda, juiz da Real Irmandade da Rainha Santa Mafalda e diretor do Museu de Arte Sacra de Arouca. D. Domingos possuía uma admirável biblioteca pessoal, atualmente propriedade da Real Irmandade, que empenhada na sua preservação, valorização e divulgação, criou, no Mosteiro de Arouca, a Biblioteca Memorial D. Domingos de Pinho Brandão, onde para além da consulta deste riquíssimo espólio, se pode usufruir de três espaços distintos: espaço memória, centro de estudos e auditório polivalente, com capacidade para acolher congressos científicos, concertos, etc. Aquando da inauguração, deslocaram-se a Arouca diversas personalidades de grande monta no panorama cultural, religioso e cientifico nacional, evidenciando-se um núcleo considerável de académicos da Universidade do Porto com quem D. Domingos conviveu e trabalhou.

Zdar : The New Generation Museum celebrates its success

During August and September, we welcomed over 15,000 visitors and recorded a positive feedback from the media. A new museum concept for the Czech Republic, and presenting the Cistercian Order and the Baroque Era, its reception has been very positive. It combines audiovisual aids and historical contents and exhibits which the visitors go through using audio guides. The New Generation Museum is not just a museum, it is a key to understanding the entire complex of the former monastery and today’s Zdar Estate. The official sponsorship of the Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic and his personal private visit were much appreciated. The museum was officially inaugurated on September 22, when we were honored by the presenceof important guests. A presentation was made by Gilles Marty, director of INCA (France, Grenoble), who initiated theproject and carried it out, Special guided tours followed, together with live arts, ie Baroque dancing.

St. Marienthal und die Hussiten

600 Jahre nach der Verurteilung und Hinrichtung des böhmischen Reformators Jan Hus auf dem Konzil von Konstanz am 6. Juli 1415 erinnert sich auch die Abtei St. Marienthal im ehemals böhmischen Teil des heutigen Sachsen an die folgenschweren Ereignisse. (more…)

Eberbach : Käse & Wein – Erlebnis-Vinothek Eberbach, 27.11.2015

Begeben Sie sich auf eine kulinarische Reise der besonderen Art und probieren Sie fünf unserer erlesenen Weine und die dazu passenden Käsesorten. Eintritt zur Verkostung 29 € / Person. Tickets sind erhältlich in der Vinothek im Kloster Eberbach, im Käseladen in Eltville oder telefonisch unter +49 (0) 6723 6046-0. Mehr über uns: Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch !

Rioseco : El voluntariado, alma de un proyecto con mucha vida


Un verano más han sido los voluntarios los que han demostrado que cuando un proyecto ilusiona y cuando queremos mantener una parte de nuestra historia y pasado las ganas y la ilusión pueden con cualquier dificultad. (more…)

Ten Duinen : 15 jaar wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de middeleeuwse Duinenabdij te Koksijde

Voor het ca. 2000 ingerichte museum van de Duinenabdij vormde het tekort aan kennis over de Koksijdse abdij en de archeologische collectie een groot probleem. 15 jaar later heeft een wetenschappelijke ploeg met een historicus, een archeoloog en een collectiebeheerder/-registrator dat al flink recht gezet. (more…)

Oia : presentation of “Cistercium Experientia”

The 28th November began the Presentation Series and Talks with the local populations, in order to explain them what “Cistercium Experientia” is: an initiative of the Galician Association of the Cistercian Abbeys to develop the Cultural Route in our region. In the following months this will be repeated in each monastery with the aim of explain to the neighborhood how special and important is this kind of heritage and increase their emotional link with the monastery. The local population will be the best ambassador of the route. (more…)